Keep in mind those who depend on you, including children or pets. Avoid gambling and you avoid debt. If worries are weighing you down, spend leisure time with relatives. Work may be demanding at the moment but you will soon stand out from the competition, because your hard work. Make all decisions carefully today. Remain rational and you will not be misled. Be judicious with your resources and the make the most of what you have. Wise investments will pay off. <em>If you wish to succeed now, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brothers, and hope your guardian genius.</em>
Start Pinning mocktail recipes today as the Sun leaves your hard-partying fifth house and settles into your sixth house of self-care until March 20. This solar energy inspires you to whip your world back into shape, from streamlining your schedule and tightening your budget to committing to a regular fitness routine. It’s great to be enthusiastic about making positive changes, but take care not to become too rigid with your new regimens. Aim for balance, Libra, and you can make an entire lifestyle shift.