

Enjoy yourself now but don't overdo it. Risky behavior could lead to injury or an accident. Disputes with professed enemies require diplomacy. Your creativity and dedication at work are visible for all to see. An elder, perhaps a grandfather, will need or offer assistance. The money issues you've been facing are now at the forefront. Adjusting your monthly expenses should solve the majority of your problems. Channel your resources towards promising options instead of items you don't really need. <em>Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it NOW.</em>


Hop up on the main stage, Libra! Your star has been rising at work for a while thanks to driven Mars in your house of professional success. And today it makes an auspicious trine to the fearless Scorpio moon in your money zone. Your fair-minded sign doesn’t expect something for nothing, but you do presume that hard work will yield rewards. Today, you might actually be harvesting the fruits of your recent labors!