

Gambling or a risky investment would be unwise right now. Pursue compelling professional ideas and continue to work hard. Making time for leisure will help alleviate stress. A stranger would be source of support and companionship. Your expenses want attention now, as they may exceed your income. Some financial hurdles may be before you. Honestly assess your own potential and the clarity of your aspirations. In other words, more important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity right now.


Don’t even try to get everyone on the same page today, Libra. People will be working at cross-purposes, and all the team spirit in the world won’t herd these cats. Under a fraught square between expansive Jupiter and detail-minded Mercury, some people will be throwing wild visionary ideas into the mix while others will be narrowly focused on the nitty-gritty. YOU see how irreconcilable these things are, yet you won’t be able to bring people back to the middle. Save yourself the frustration and stick to your own work!