Problems at home may feel like obstacles on your way to success right now. Making time for family is critical though. Repairs and renovations may require you to take out a loan. Do what is best for those who depend on you. Work will pick up as long as you continue working hard. Jot down ideas as they occur to you throughout the day. Avoid being pulled mentally in too many different directions. Setting priorities and doing one thing at a time will get you the desired results. The fact that you are a good manager is made clear as you handle things with perfection both at work and at home.This is a favorable day for scheduling dates and for love in general. You are somewhat vulnerable, and may get slipped in critical moments. This can indicate happy social events, and is fortunate for beauty treatments, pleasurable outings, music, the arts, and holidays or gatherings. It's good for money as well, but you might spend it as quickly as you earn it!
You’ve been juggling facts, figures and ideas in that beautiful mind of yours, but under today’s adventurous Sagittarius moon, it’s time to take them out for a spin. As the zodiac’s social butterfly, you thrive on dialogue, and a little outside input could be just what you need to refine your vision. Gather feedback from your inner circle, but don’t stop there. Loop in a fresh set of eyes from the outer edges of your world. Constructive criticism isn’t a buzzkill, Libra; it’s a secret ingredient for success. At the end of the day, you hold the power to make the final call—just make sure it’s one that feels as good as it looks!