Illness may force you to spend some extra time at home. Make the most of the opportunity to be with family. You could use a rest from workplace competition and enmity. Find peace in a quiet, natural space. Some repairs may cost you money now but the debt will be resolved in the long run. You are seeking peace and security today and have social obligations to fill. Memories from the past, both pleasant and painful, will be on your mind. You feel that a strong and formidable future can be built upon a secure deep rooted foundation. A long term perspective to your plans will be cast in the mold of your past.Chasing after gain may give you cause to complain, as getting what/whom you want at the desired where and when just leads to one complication after another. You may have to settle for second best or some sort of compromise, unless you're willing to wait and do without and see if it all comes together later.
Ease into your weekend, Libra—your body and mind will thank you. With Mercury in Pisces flowing through your sixth house of wellness and Mars retrograde in your tenth house of ambition, today calls for a softer, more intentional approach to self-care. A gentle workout, a long walk or even a mindful cooking session could be just what you need to clear your head. Rest can be just as productive as action. Besides, your ambition will be restored this Sunday. Driven Mars resumes forward motion after being retrograde since December 6 (in Leo) and, since January 6, in Cancer and your career corner. If you’ve felt thwarted or overlooked at work for the past few months, you’ll be thrilled by today’s cosmic news alert. With this course correction, you should feel your professional mojo returning, and opportunities that seemed blocked will open once again. Pro tip: With the red planet here until April 18, pace yourself so you don’t burn out!