

A loved one, perhaps a father figure, is experiencing some distress. This may impact your travel plans. You are in a social mood right now, earn to participate in groups and clubs. Save time for a meal or event with family. You feel expressive and even outrageous today, surging with confidence. You need to be heard, seen and noticed. You feel a desire to exhibit your personal flair. An invitation to see a movie or play may arrive. Enjoy life to the fullest, within reason of course.


Destiny calling! For the first time since 2007, the lunar north node pays a visit to Pisces. Not only will the world be vibing at YOUR frequency, but this rare transit calls forth your trailblazing leadership. This time, you may be stepping forward as a solo star instead of part of an ensemble cast. With the karmic south node in Virgo, relationships will still be a potent source of inspiration—and information about your limiting beliefs. Not sure where to begin? Dive into a deep research project. Between now and July 26, 2026, you could embark on a meant-to-be path that’s nothing like what you’ve done in the past. On Sunday, your ruling planet Neptune syncs up with sizzling Mars in your passionate fifth house. The line between love and hate is practically transparent, so if the energy shifts from hotheaded to hot-blooded, don’t be surprised. You could find creative ways to channel these lusty vibes, and at least one willing participant!