This is a lucky time for you. In social settings,you can do no wrong. Take advantage of opportunities to network. New sources of income may be on their way. In the meantime, be cautious in your spending and take care to avoid theft and accidents. You now have the ability to extract the best out of people. It may be talent or games of lust. You're in a jovial mood, making you more approachable. Sensible behavior will save you a lot of possible trouble. You are attracted to partying and excessive behavior right now. Resist the temptations of alcohol, drugs and sex during this phase.
Sitting on the fence? Not you. Not today. The Cancer full moon floods your passionate fifth house with intuitive energy, helping you crystallize your vision for what’s next. If you’ve been feeling wishy-washy about a situation, this might be your cue to move on and find a better option—one that actually lights you up. Creative juices are also flowing, making today perfect for pitching your grand ideas. Generally speaking, your energy is infectious, so spread the love. The only catch? Mars retrograde is close to the moon, so it may churn up intense feelings that could come across as combative. Watch out for that.