After so much time spent in the company of friends at clubs or social events, you may need a rest. Time to yourself would be good for your health right now. A destructive path can be halted by looking inward or to a higher power. Enjoy some temporary seclusion in order to recharge. Now is the time to focus on work and well-being. Diligence is needed as you may find that things in life are out of order and need reorganizing. Your mood may impact your health so try not to stress over minor issues. Instead, work on improving and perfecting things that are significant and have a strong impact.
Your water sign soul is a rock star when it comes to going with the flow, but don't get carried away with the bohemian vibes today. Volatile Mars retrograde is clashing with the fireball Sun in your teamwork zone, which could stir up tension in a group—especially if you think you’re above the rules. You might indeed know a better way to do things, but the majority still rules, Pisces. Bring it up in an appropriate gathering and allow others to weigh in. If you haven't been vibing with the team lately, it might be time to fly solo for a while.