The loss of someone close to you, a grandparent perhaps, have put a sudden end to all your recent partying and socializing. Now is a moment for quietude and introspection. Take comfort in spirituality or the visions of dreams. Avoid destructive thoughts of actions. Self care is important. Your trailing blazing attitude suddenly is supported by colleagues and superiors. They appreciate your style and way of getting things done. You work tirelessly and the results are equally stunning. This is just the beginning; don't let smaller rewards get in your way. You've got big dreams and are determined to accomplish them.
Pump up the white noise tracks and switch to focus mode! With the moon wrapping up its monthly tour of your organized and productive sixth house this morning, you can get a lot accomplished if you stay focused on the task at hand. Keep your devices on silent and save social-media logins as rewards for when you reach mini milestones throughout the day. By late morning, la luna moves on to Virgo and your partnership corner. Then it's fine to loop yourself back into your social circle and run your work by the most creative people in your hive.