Sharing a secret you have been holding in will be beneficial, especially if it deals with health. Unexpected financial gains may be headed your way. Use them wisely, taking care to plan for the future. A connection from your past may suddenly return on the scene, leading to conflict. Being honest and rational will alleviate any sorrow or humiliation. Don't desert the plans you made. Avoid individuals and environments that leave you emotionally drained. Be wise in the way you handle money as that will help you in days to come. If you put expenses in line with your income now you'll benefit from surplus funds later. Practice caution.
You’re flying high today, with Mars soaring through your expansion sector. Since there’s basically no limit to what you can achieve under these auspicious skies, give yourself permission to think big and color way outside the lines. You might get inspired reading an edgy article on Substack, listening to new music on Spotify or exploring an unfamiliar part of your town. Don’t focus on the end result. This day is all about the exciting journey your imagination will take you on.