Make time for your significant other right now. You are in the mood for romance and leisure. Go out and have fun but take care to not overdo it. Gambling and speculation would be unwisely. Remain rational in your decision making and success will be yours. You are now seeking new experiences and intense bonds. Emotional commitments are important to you as you search for meaning. Money and material comforts demand your attention. Finances and romance are in the spotlight. While something in your life may be ending, try and approach this objectively and focus on what you already have.
Time to follow your homing instincts. On Saturday, the destiny-directed lunar north node sets up shop in Pisces and your foundational fourth house. This cosmic beacon could bring out your flair for home entertaining or speed up your dreams of owning property. Between now and July 26, 2026, you'll prefer quiet alone time over intense interactions, and slowing down and focusing on one project at a time instead of multitasking. Thanks to the lunar south node in Virgo, your career path may shift as a result, perhaps incorporating entrepreneurship, media or cross-cultural connections. Sunday's helpful merger of bold Mars and intuitive Neptune turns your psychic radar up to the highest setting. If you sense subtle shade being thrown at you or awkward body language, speak up and address the underlying vibe. Approach sensitive topics gingerly. Your forthrightness will be appreciated, but tactlessness will backfire.