Repairs or renovations may require your time and money at the moment. Make sure matters at home are resolved. The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back. Life is like a car. If you keep going in reverse you won't get to your destination but if you speed up and don't take the time to enjoy your surroundings you might get lost. Nagging issues will resolve in your favor. Solicit a helping hand if you find yourself in fiscal trouble. Love and relationships shall facilitate you to revive and refresh your mind. Some of you may actually enjoy flirting now and kissing games are possible. Find time for your hobbies, entertainment and leisure activities despite your hectic schedule, to refresh your mind and mood.
Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle! Today—or over the coming two weeks—an investment could pay off in a huge way as the year’s only full moon in Cancer drops anchor in your eighth house of joint resources. If you’ve been pouring time, energy and possibly funds into something (or someone), your efforts could reach the tipping point at long last. For some Archers, that might look like merging assets or signing a lucrative deal. Maybe you realize it’s time to exit and cash out, which isn’t a bad thing either. One door closing means another portal to possibility can finally open wide.