Time spent with family offers a sense of peace. Attend to domestic concerns. Repairs and renovations may require your attention and money. Devote some of your energy to caring for those who have cared for you, perhaps a maternal figure. Home is truly where the heart is right now. Change is in the air! You're in control, even if feeling somewhat exhausted. Your mood is running high. Keep your head and celebration and excitement are headed your way. You're too smart to scare away new chances.
If there’s one thing that your principled sign can’t stand, it’s a bully. Good luck biting your tongue in the face of egregious behavior today, as your ruler outspoken Jupiter, clashes with diplomatic Venus. Don’t allow yourself—or anyone you care about—to be pushed around by someone who insists on crossing the line. The trick is to stay strong but composed so you don’t inadvertently stoop to their level.