New opportunities await you. You may need to travel, maybe with relatives. Communicate wisely now, whether on page or aloud. Music and photography appeal to you right now. Share those talents with friends and family. Spend some quality time alone. You may find new meaning in your own existence and a resolution to an issue that's been bugging you. Weed out disbelief and search for peace of mind. Confronting legal or moral issues will result in clarity of thought. An unexpected issue may prompt you to plan a sudden journey.
You can inch closer to a lofty goal today with two tiny tweaks: Widen your perspective and listen to your gut! You're pretty good with the former, but sometimes you second-guess yourself, which can weaken or slow down your efforts. The playful Leo moon is sailing through your farsighted ninth house until late morning. Run the numbers but don't worry about reaching a consensus. You already know the right way to go, and if something doesn't hit a bull’s-eye on the first toss, chalk it up as a learning experience.