

An opportunity to take a short journey away from home may be on the way. You may be accompanied by a caregiver or sibling. Take care to communicate effectively now, whether through email, phone or text. Being a good listener is key. A loved one's needs your time and attention and might even disrupt the daily course of your day. Attend to them rather than trying to avoid them. Introspection could be helpful now. Take care to avoid alcohol and other vices, and do not drink and drive. Spend time with family and loved ones.


There are volumes of truth to the expression “What you resist persists.” And today, as the moon and driven Mars form an exact trine in your most private chart sectors, you are invited to dance with your shadow side. But you’re in great company, Archer. Everyone has a shadow; it’s only when we try to ignore it that it gets us in trouble. Find some time to journal or just be alone with your thoughts. Allow them to come: No judging!