

You may require to go on a short trip now, before to somewhere off the beaten path. A younger sibling is on your mind. You will feel more at peace if you put your worries to page or communicate them aloud. Be courageous and share some thoughts you had been keeping to yourself. It's time to listen to the inner call. Allow your intuitions to override your heart. Don't worry about things going exactly right. You will come out the winner even if you are rocked off course. The tranquility that prevails will enlighten you. New plans taking shape now will come to fruition in the future.


Today’s face-off between articulate Mercury in your home zone and expansive Jupiter in your seventh house of dynamic duos highlights issues that are impeding the easy flow in a relationship. You might not have named it, but you might suddenly realize that with one close tie—your S.O. or a relative—you’re the one who has to initiate everything. While that’s hardly a deal breaker, if it’s leading to resentment, it’s worth bringing up in a gentle way and discussing how to make things feel more balanced.