

A good day to plan for new investments -- signing up for that new computer or language course online or learning recipes on YouTube. Make an investment in your education today and reap dividends in future. Give voice to the monetary concerns that are on your mind. A maternal figure or caregiver may need assistance from you, perhaps with a repair or with some new gadget. Your work life never seemed so good as it does today. You can feel positive vibrations all around. A long desired success feels imminent. Explore new areas of interest today. With perseverance you can work your way to the top! You're refreshed and ready to dive into new goals! You're given to excesses just now, and it can be hard to think of the consequences of overdoing things when you're in such an elevated mood. The easy way out may not be beneficial to your health and general wellbeing.


Bullying is not to be tolerated, Sagittarius, even if the culprit is part of your inner circle. You might be tempted to go along with someone’s unreasonable demands in the name of keeping the peace, but you’ll only end up resentful because of it. Even if you’re not on the receiving end of this bad behavior, you owe it to yourself and your friend to speak up. They might not even realize that they’re coming across as an iron-fisted tyrant. Do her the favor of stopping her in her tracks.