

Domestic affairs may require more effective communication right now. Do what is necessary to keep the peace. Take a trip to somewhere off the beaten path. You miss someone -- after all when there is love in the home, there is joy in the heart. Communication and connection matter a lot today. You want to connect with those in your immediate circle as well as those beyond in, both in person and virtually. Social and group activity will prove beneficial. People skills are essential and can make or break you.


Self-restraint, what’s that? Today's enlivening mashup of the sensual Capricorn Sun in your expressive sector and flirtatious Neptune in your zone d’amour turns you into an unabashed coquette. Single? If you feel an attraction, hold their gaze and flash a smile that leaves no doubt. If you get no response, take that as a sign that they’re not on your wavelength and move on. Coupled up? You can still enjoy some frisky banter at work—but store up the sexy energy for bae.