Quietly brooding or drawing back from a group is still a form of drama, Scorpio. If you’re not happy with the way things are going on Saturday, avoid pulling any passive-aggressive punches. Sure, you’ll get people to chase after you and lure you out of your shell, but you’ll also pay a price. They may write you off as high-maintenance or difficult to deal with, excluding you from future fun and games. If you’re upset, find your voice and address the matter openly...preferably before it reaches Code Orange proportions. With the moon in your collaborative eleventh house squaring Mercury in your second house of finances, Sunday’s challenge is balancing social obligations with financial priorities. You might feel a strong pull to support a friend’s project, join a group event or invest in a cause you believe in, but be mindful of the potential impact on your budget. While connecting with your network could open doors and strengthen alliances, don’t feel pressured to contribute more than you’re comfortable with. Trust that your presence and support mean just as much as any material contribution.