Intellectual pursuits appeal to you right now. It may be time to head back to school and learn something new. You may be required to travel soon. Set legal affairs in order and take some time to explore spiritual matters as well. A father figure has a prominent role to play right now. Don't spend money on things you don't need. Impulse buying is unwise. Review your finances, income and budget. Today will be all about finances, at all level. You have worked hard and megabucks may be headed your way. Try your best to be honest with yourself today about your goals and plans and weed out unnecessary liabilities and expenses.
No matter how busy your day is, find time to nurture a few of your most meaningful relationships. This doesn’t mean the easiest or most fun; sometimes, Scorpio, it’s the people we struggle most with yet can’t seem to extricate ourselves from who have the most to teach us. (After all, people, especially difficult ones, are our greatest mirrors.) As heart-stirring Venus aligns with scientific Uranus in your partnership zone, pay attention to the feelings that others evoke in you. There are some big teachings in that data!