

Home is in your mind right now, as repairs and renovations are being discussed. Have a heart to heart with loved ones and truly speak your mind. A long drive to somewhere remote may offer you a sense of peace. Pick up a new skill. It will serve you well in days ahead. Right now you are more interested in connections with society than in money. You want to work for causes you believe in. If your priorities feel confused, take time to review your plans. You may not want to take drastic steps but working on ideas will be helpful. A bright future awaits you; thoughtfulness on your part works wonders.


There are days to push, Scorpio, and there are days to rest, and today is one of the latter. With the Sun in your cozy fourth house teamed up with the moon in your introspective twelfth, you wouldn’t be able to accomplish much if you tried! Instead, allow yourself a leisurely morning, padding around in PJs until the very last minute. Brew up a second pot of coffee or tea; linger over email or the paper. You may be in a sentimental mood, so reach out to old friends or relatives and find out what’s new. If you can muster the energy, meet one of them for dinner tonight and have a sweet catch-up.