

Be diplomatic in your conversations with family members right now, especially parents and grandparents. Enjoy leisure time but avoid risky monetary choices, such as gambling. Just being or working outdoors should engage your creativity and spiritual side. Follow your gut. Only you can decide if the glass is half empty or half full. Be flexible in your outlook. What seems like an obstacle may be an opportunity in disguise. Now's a good time to recommit to your health. Getting in shape will be satisfying and will make you feel great!


You’re so in your element today that digging in your heels and accomplishing a few lofty goals is almost child’s play. The perceptive moon is in your sign—plus it’s perfectly aligned with electrifying Mars in your visionary ninth house. Under this magical mashup, set intentions to do things that will (obviously) advance your own case but will also have a trickle-down effect for other deserving people.