Home repairs and renovation may feel like a gamble to you right now. Follow your gut with your spending. A family member, maybe a parent or grandparent, will need your assistance. Being at home will feed your creativity and bring you a sense of peace. Your mood swings make you vulnerable to the outer world today. You now get a mixed bag of good and bad (it actually depends on how you perceive things), where chances of you're succeeding is high, there is also a possibility of mishap. There is possibility of ill health, accidents or injuries, since both the good and bad could be intensified.<br />
If you trust your instincts, they will not fail you. Don't bet the home, but small risks taken with confidence pay off. One success leads to another. Fortune unfolds one moment at a time, and with patience builds an edifice of felicity. You can be lucky without having to trust in luck.
Have personal interactions felt extra-charged lately, or are you struggling to keep a lid on the drama? Before you go pointing the finger at anyone else, stop and take a look in the mirror. Today, mental Mercury in your theatrical fifth house tussles with supersizer Jupiter in your zone of intense emotions. Have you unknowingly been stirring things up with a love interest or someone else very close to you? Own it, apologize if necessary, then move on—in a calm, cool and collected way.