Work and money troubles consume your mind at present. Take a short trip to distract yourself. Write, photograph, engage in activities that satisfy your creative spirit. New opportunities await and along with them another source of income. Today luck is on your side, perhaps even in finance. Expect the unexpected. A coincidence makes you contemplate a new way to make ends meet. Sharing your worries will relieve anxiety today. It's just a matter of trying it out wholeheartedly and watching the magic unfolding. <em>Winners always take their chances. </em>
Limits…what are those? Today, you’re free to stretch well past your normal comfort zone and accomplish something you’ve been told isn’t possible. Your practical sign sometimes needs an extra reminder that if you can imagine it, you can manifest it! And under today’s electrifying trine between your ruler, creative Venus, in your visionary house and wizardly Uranus, pour all your energy into bringing this thing to life. When you believe something is possible, it’s almost easy. Give it a try!