Change is inevitable so it is best to accept it. Take time now to rest and re-examine. Look to dreams for guidance. You may be reeling from a recent loss, perhaps monetary or perhaps of a loved one. This phase of seclusion is temporary and will lead to new perspectives. Displaying your competency at work will be a top priority today. You are in an extravagant mood so be sure to carefully manage funds. Safeguard yourself from getting trapped in debt. Remember <em>Caution is not cowardly. Carelessness is not courage.</em>
“Leader of the pack” becomes your new status on Saturday as the lunar north node shifts into Pisces and your collaborative, progressive eleventh house. Between now and July 26, 2026, it’s your MISSION. Tap into your nurturing brand of leadership to inspire, organize and support your community. With the karmic south node in Virgo and your fifth house of creative expression, you can use your stylish sensibilities to motivate others to take action. Who said changing the world can’t be fun, Taurus? The more creative and playful you are, the easier it will be to inspire everyone around you, both online and in real time. Feel no guilt for making a few power moves and befriending influential people. On Sunday, a helpful trine between ambitious Mars and magnetic Neptune lights up your social sectors and makes you especially charismatic today. Use it to your advantage! Make a bold pitch or message someone you admire on social media. No need to hard-sell yourself, Bull. Just present a compelling offer that the right people may find too enticing to refuse.