You are in a sociable mood and ready to network with new connections. Enjoy participation in groups or clubs. Your charm will be on full display. Make sure you save time and energy to attend to matters at home though. A parent or sibling may need your attention or comfort right now. You feel at home, with those dearest to you close at hand. Family bonds empower and revive you. Take time to recharge. Domestic matters take priority over official matters. Help someone in need as a show of your friendship. A willingness to listen to others will surely help a major chunk of your problems right now.
You set the bar high and don’t let up until the job is done, Taurus. That no-nonsense tenacity can inspire a particular group today. People may be slacking off without realizing it, and you’re just the one to rally the troops so everyone starts pulling their weight. But you may have to dole out some tough love as your ruler, tender Venus, dukes it out with unbridled Jupiter. Although there’s no need to sugarcoat your words, you should do a quick mental sound check before speaking. If your tone is veering toward bossy or know-it-all, modify it.