

A teacher or mentor has noticed your hard work. You are now recognized for your leadership qualities and talents. Enjoy the glory of this moment. In affairs of the heart, things may be trickier. End a relationship that isn't working. Travel may be a remedy for an aching heart. Personal and household matters will take priority over external affairs at present. You feel nostalgic and even impulsive. Take time for yourself, especially if feeling moody or sensitive. Think back to past achievements and take pride in your ability to overcome obstacles. Sure, you deserving a standing ovation!


Don’t let anyone pressure you into a deal or agreement you’re not 110 percent comfortable with, Taurus. With the Sun in your legal-eagle house facing off with unpredictable Mars retrograde today, it's hard to tell what's legit. Your best protection: Be extra cautious about everything—skeptical, even. Your methodical sign doesn’t do well with Type-A intensity. If you ARE ready to sign on the dotted line, get all the terms spelled out in writing. If there’s money involved, have an attorney draft a contract.