

A change in rank may totally transform your job. You may find yourself having more authority at work. Your leadership is valued and needed. Enjoy the respect that others show you today. A time when you can balance and reconcile work and home, play sexual and passionate games. Children, friends, even distant relatives are all part of the social scene. You entertain them, amuse and even indulge them, talk to them, communicate in all possible ways from hugs to e-mail.


Rather than carping about everything that ISN’T going your way, carpe diem, Bull! Like fortune, today’s stars favor the bold, so decide what it is you want, commit to one approach then determinedly go after it. With the pragmatic Capricorn Sun sweetly synced up with perceptive Neptune in your inventive eleventh house, even a seeming mistake could turn out to be a happy accident. Better to follow the motto of “fail fast and break things” than stay stuck.