

Your hard work has earned you some rewards. Enjoy the newfound glory and recognition. Be sure to also be attentive to domestic affairs. A relationship or children may be in need right now. You feel put to the test, asked to deliver the impossible. Let go of ego and ask for help, from friend and foe alike. Keep your goal in sight and put your best foot forward. Soon you can expect rewards and recognition for your hard work. People may call for your assistance. Pets and dependents now also require extra attention.


From the second you roll out of bed, you’ve got work—and more importantly, money—on the brain. Today’s auspicious angle between the ambitious Sun and the moon in your hard-working sixth house gives you the vision, focus and drive to make some big advances professionally. And while you’re waiting for them to respond to your pitch—or DM you about next steps—there’s plenty you can do to get ahead. Update your resume, LinkedIn page, professional website or social network feeds. Align your “digital profile” with the image you want to present to the world. Think about where and how to invest your time and energy that will bring the greatest ROI.