You are feeling success right now with cash to burn. Avoid being indulgent. Save some money for a rainy day, for a project at home that might require your funds or skills. Make time for relaxing excursions with friends or siblings, maybe camping or travelling. Keep networking possibilities in mind as some interesting new relationships are about to enter your life. Your home life is a bit more troubled than usual right now. You may long for comfort and tranquility. Realize though that loved ones require your point of view and suggestions gleaned from your life experiences. Always keep in mind that people often just want your honest suggestions; wanting them to dance on your order would only make matters worse.
Got a big favor to ask, Virgo? Don’t keep it a secret any longer. There are plenty of seen and unseen hands that are eager to support you in achieving your goals, but if you don’t let them know what you need, they can’t help you! Today, as eloquent Venus syncs up with metaphysical Uranus, put those wishes in writing: in your journal and on social media AND perhaps articulate them to appropriate people. Nervous? Think of it like this: You only stand to gain and have nothing to lose!