

Enjoy some fun with a parent or older sibling. The relationships you establish now could become useful networking opportunities later. You are feeling flirtatious and carefree. Enjoy it but don't be careless with money as a big purchase such a car or a house repair could be on the horizon. You're in a partying mood, interested in being active, creative and in the company of others. Expect an invitation or sudden desire to see a movie or play or go to a sports game. You confidently set your own rules now. Be level headed in this moment of exhilaration and don't get carried too far from reality.


Is something bothering you, Virgo? As the emo moon slips into your impassioned fifth house and forms a disconnected quincunx to Mars sector, tap into the emotions that are simmering just beneath the surface. Did someone accidentally (or purposely) push your buttons? Did you say something you wish you hadn’t? Instead of focusing on the specifics of the triggering experience, give yourself a chance to feel the emotion in your body. Getting in touch with it might be all it takes to get it moving and send it on its way.