A sudden windfall may be headed your way, perhaps an unexpected gift and even cryptocurrencies. Invest this money wisely. Confide secrets in others but do see diplomatically. If health concerns are on your mind, faith or a creative outlet may offer relief. You may feel pulled to join a group or organization right now in order to network. You are in touch with the moods of those around you and could even be adversely impacted by them. Your sense of belonging (or lack thereof) may propel you to catch up with old friends and family.Minor disagreements, especially over domestic matters, are more likely than usual now. Little disorder coming from the outside reflects significantly in your own reactions. Since you are not received as well, public relations initiatives should be postponed.
Stay open to possibilities, Virgo! On Saturday, the destiny-driven north node launches an 18-month cruise through Pisces and your seventh house of committed partnerships. Is there a certain relationship you’re eager to build or improve upon? Between now and July 26, 2026, you’ll feel increasingly ready to take the plunge and hitch your wagon to one special person. Whether romantic or professional, you will expand more than ever as part of a dynamic duo. The catch? The karmic south node is shifting into YOUR sign, forcing self-reflection. Stare down all the ways your “my way is the right way” persistence may be blocking growth. Simultaneously, this transit helps you walk the line between cooperating and people-pleasing. Who are the people worthy of inner-circle status? Under Sunday’s potent trine between blunt Mars and compassionate Neptune, you have some sorting to do. Not everyone on Team Virgo has to help you get ahead—but they certainly shouldn't be holding you back..