

You may be required at meetings focused around legal or financial issues. Avoid any risky pursuits. Be diplomatic in your dealings, both in business and in family affairs. A spouse or elder is looking for more time and attention from you. In a fast paced modern world, sometimes it is vital to slow down and make time for self-assessment. In doing so, you will rediscover your talents and strengths. Take your time and set the right goals. Don't give into worry or depression right now. Let yourself have time for rejuvenation. Relax and make plans for the future.


Keeping the company of power players is always a strategic move, and today, someone’s shine can rub off on you. Aspirational Jupiter hovers at the peak of your chart, revealing people who can advise you and motivate you to achieve an important goal. But since guileless Venus is provoking the red-spotted titan, be careful not to overshare with just anyone. After you weed out people who don’t have your back, conveying your message to a trustworthy VIP can pay off handsomely.