Learning a new skill or enrolling in some new training sets you apart from the competition. Diplomacy is needed in the workplace, where you may feel enemies around you. Take time for leisure with friends and family. Injuries and accidents can be avoided by careful commuting. Take a break from your worries and enjoy some creative or spiritual pursuits. Your emotions may be getting the better of you right now. If you are having a tough time making a decision, make sure you trust your instincts. Take time to retreat and connect with your feelings. Practice self-care and give yourself a break from stress. Mental wellness will help with future decision making.
It’s easy to get sucked into people’s dramas today, thanks to a volatile opposition between the Sun in your passionate fifth house and pot-stirring Mars retrograde in your friendship chamber. Playing referee while your crew sets off fireworks isn’t the easiest job you’ll ever take on, and trying to soothe oversized egos will only exhaust you. So rather than let those energy vampires suck you dry, give ‘em a wide berth and take another route.