

You may feel like you are in the throes of conflict right now. Diplomacy will help you resolve disputes, be they legal or monetary. Take a break from the worries weighing on you. Some leisure time with family will be good for your health. Your dependents, whether children or pets, will offer amusement and a helpful distraction from the sense of competition and enmity around you. Work will be satisfying, allowing you to take a more active role. You will feel rewarded, noticed for your hard work and a long desired goal will finally be in sight. You are strong, energetic and motivated. With determination and confidence, you will continue on your path of professional progress!Head and heart go hand in hand and workable solutions are available that feel as good as they work. You can put emotions into phrases that hit the mark and get your message across in more than just words. Multilevel thinking enables you to see all sides of the issue and if you need to, schedule negotiations, trades and other communications now.


Drop your guard for your own sake, Virgo. You may think you’re protecting yourself by holding back, but all you’re really doing is limiting the love you could receive. Today’s sweet sync-up of the sensual Capricorn Sun and sensitive Neptune in your romance sectors encourages you to be more vulnerable. If this is your S.O., it could deepen the connection in a heartbeat! If it’s a new person of interest, being direct could save you a lot of wondering and worry.