A big decision about a purchase or sale may be on your mind. Consult with family first. You may be needed at business meeting as some matters are tied up. Be careful with money now to save for the long term. Prepare wisely to be on time for appointments today. Visiting and communicating with others will be a highlight of the day. Today will be a success for those working in artistic fields. Expect the unexpected. A good time to socialize and renew your connections. Your head and your heart agree with one another now, so take advantage and open up the lines of communication with others. You are in a more sociable frame of mind. It's easier than usual to exhibit your talents without even trying, and articulating your feelings without upsetting anyone comes easily.
Hermit no more! Today, the Sun moves into Pisces and your partnership sector for the next four weeks, pushing your most important bonds at the top of your priority list. Over the last month, your nearest and dearest may have been sidelined as you followed through on various responsibilities. This solar-powered cycle helps redirect your attention to the people you love. If you’re single, opportunities for romance come out of the woodwork between now and March 20. Odds are good you’ll meet an especially promising prospect willing to go the distance.