Legal concerns may be on your mind today, perhaps involving an injury or accident. Continue to work hard and ignore disputes surrounding you. Enemies may be causing obstacles to your success but staying positive and being proactive will help in the long run. Your need for communication, short trips and visits increases today. You may be immersed in sensitive matters concerning those closest to your heart. Be cautious in speech to avoid hurting someone. Short travel could be scheduled, bringing you closer to family and friends. Make sure what you start today reaches completion; otherwise, your ideas might not yield the desired results.
Don’t let competing demands on your time send you on a guilt trip! There are only so many hours in a day—and you’re just one person! Today’s skirmish between social-butterfly Mercury in your relationship zone and sprawling Jupiter in your career corner could distract you and undermine your best efforts. Let everyone know that you’re doing the best you can to strike an equitable balance, but at the same time, evaluate whether you need to reset the scales.