Work may be a source of chaos and confusion right now. Weight ideas carefully and make a plan for professional success. Take time for fun but avoid gambling and excess monetary risk. That will cause further stress instead of relieving it. Work to strike a balance between personal aspirations and your duties to home and society. Take time for yourself and to look after your health (physical, emotional and spiritual). The elderly, needy and infirm demand your time, attention and affection. Be responsible in your deeds as that's the only way you can earn the trust of loved ones.
Lean on your people, Virgo. This weekend’s trine between your ruler, social Mercury, and retrograde Mars in your people houses reminds you that you don’t have to do everything alone. If you’ve been feeling out of sync with a friend, collaborator or significant other, a heart-to-heart could bring things back into balance. Instead of overanalyzing dynamics, try simply asking for what you need. It really might be THAT easy. Sunday brings some order to the Virgo court, at last! You’ve had one stressful winter thanks to intensifier Mars, which has been retrograde since December 6, backing through your twelfth house of hidden agendas and confusion and your eleventh house of community. But today, the fog begins to lift as Mars resumes forward motion. Has a frenemy in supporter’s clothing infiltrated Team Virgo? Competitive Mars has been in your collaborative corner since January 6, making group dynamics a source of stress. Time to turn that around! The red planet will stay in this social sector until April 18, giving you one opportunity after another to find your people or reconnect to a trustworthy group that has your back.